Friday, May 2, 2014

Hexenfeuer and May Day

May Day is a big holiday in Europe.  for some it a a military celebration but here it was just a day off work and time to party.     Locally, Hexenfeuer is also celebrated.

Hexenfeuer means witch's fire.  Most small villages in this area will have a bonfire and the community gathers together that night to drink and visit.  Some place will still burn a straw effigy of a witch.  The custom dates from the Middle Ages when people believed they could banish evil spirits and such things.

We had a little dinner with the Hemann family and then we all walked through the fields and under the freeway to a neighboring village where the bonfire was blazing.  We visited with one another, bought some wursts, and then walked home.  We saw no witches or evil spirits, and didn't even trip in the dark.

The next day we visited Oberkotzau for their maypole raising and watched as a group of about 20 men put the 65 foot pole upright in the town square.  It was quite a process.  First they laid the pole in place and anchored the butt in a special metal armature.  Then they added the decorated rings and topper.  Next, with the use of lifting poles, they raised it bit by bit until it was upright in the armature and secured it.  Later they placed the crests which represent various town societies in brackets on the side of the pole.  I think the pole stays up most of the summer.

 There was quite a town gathering with live music and the normal beer and wurst.  A normal size serving of beer is about a quart.  We bought potatoe pancakes with applesauce and an apple soda.  Much safer.

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