Friday, February 1, 2013

A normal week

Most weeks so far consist of trying to contact inactives and visit with them, which usually isn't too effective.  On Wednesdays we take the two Hof elders to Plauen and join the district conference.  Last week the Zone leaders were also there.  They are in Chemnitz in our old (big) apartment.  After the meeting we all went into the city of Plauen to eat.  The Elders chose to eat at Subway because it gives free refills. Dave and one elder who is going home shortly chose to have a "Durner"  which is a Turkish fast food sandwich.

On Thursday evenings we drive to Zwickau and play with another group of young people.  This week the Stake President was there to teach and also to have two interviews.  Sabrina is going on a mission and Christina is getting married so they both needed temple interviews. After the lesson I serve a meal and then they go upstairs and play for about an hour before we drive home in the dark and the rain.  Actually it is rather fun to be with them and they are both good groups of young people.

Plauen chapel
Elders leaving the chapel to walk into town for lunch.

Elder Reeves, our district leader.

Eating at Subway
Christina Mueller and Dirk Brokatsky will be married this month

Sabrina Schulz is getting ready for her mission.

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