Friday, May 2, 2014

The Wurst Experience and what we learned

As I said, May 1 is a holiday.  We were planning to have a barbeque for Institute that evening and our assignment was to bring the wurst.  One student had requested Thuringer Rost bratwurst so I had checked the prices in several stores to find the best price.  We had found that a store located conveniently on the way to Zwickau had the best price so we planned to buy the wursts on the way to institute.

Dave got up that morning and realized that BECAUSE  it is a holiday all the stores are closed and we hadn't bought the wursts....We forgot to remember that German holidays close stores unlike most holidays in the States.

I was reminded of the parable of the Ten Virgins: although I thought I was prepared, I had forgotten one essential thing.  How many of us will find ourselves in that situation when it is too late.  Perhaps that is why the scriptures so often remind us to remember.

After driving around looking for a (miracle) store to be open, we stopped at a freeway rest stop where a kind lady in the restaurant sold us a package of bratwurst.  Needless to say, we paid a high price.  I call that stupid tax (doof steuer).  But we now have another funny story to tell.

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