Sunday, February 23, 2014

Unique Hof

We have really enjoyed getting to know the town of Hof.  It has some unique characters like this man
who sits on the same place in the city center and supposedly sings for coins.  What he really does is loudly shout at people.  He has no singing voice, but he likes his reputation as the town drunk.  The town even has a post card featuring him.

The town does pride itself on its reputation for a unique kind of 'Hofer Wärschtlamo" or hot dog sellers.  They have a special brass steaming tank for the several kinds of wursts they sell and have been a feature of the town since 1871.

This man has been doing it rain or shine for over 30 years in the same place outside the big department store, Kaufhof.
Our mailman is also rather unique.  I have never seen him walk, he runs.
There are several wall murals around town but our favorite is just around the corner.  We even saw the artist put the last touches on this mural standing on a lift crane. The next day there was graffiti below it and the rain has done some damage but the artist's craft is still evident.

                                                And always the yellow oil fields will be bright in my memory.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Janu weary but maybe not

Winter has finally come to Hof.  We were told this is one of the coldest parts of Germany but this winter has been so mild we have ceased to believe.  Now we know.

We have had the opportunity in January to go to Freiberg for another couples conference, this time at the temple.  We enjoyed two full days of temple sessions and had meetings with the temple president and our mission president.  We also very nuch enjoyed socializing with other couples who are often facing the same challenges we are.

Temple president Husz and his wife are from Austria and have served willingly for many years in various capacities.  He spoke about the newly produced endowment presentation which we were privileged to view.
  The temple at night often gives some rather interesting photographing opportunities.  I took none of the above.  Someplace in my files I have another Angel Moroni shadow in the sky which is clearer but I don't have one of the mystic rays taken by another Elder.

We also enjoyed a lovely dinner out at a neat restaurant in Freiberg.  It is on a little pond which probably at one time was part of a moat around the walled city (that's speculation) but the windows behind are from the renovated castle which is now a mineral museum.  Freiberg was THE silver mining region from about the 900's on. We enjoyed this meal during our strict 'New Year's resolution' diet and survived.  We are happy to report we both have lost about 15 pounds and are still watching it.